Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Primary concerns
I came across this quote today.
"While there is some concern of overpenetration with a handgun cartridge, your primary concern should be that your defensive round of choice will have sufficient penetration to reach vital organs and cause incapacitating blood loss in an attacker."
On the surface the statement is clearly logical enough, provided we remove one aspect of it.
"... your primary concern should be ...."
Lest you ever find yourself in a lethal use of force encounter...or potential lethal use of force encounter, sufficient penetration of your ammo is far from the primary concern.
Your primary concern is to make sure that what you are seeing is in fact accurate, ala use exemplary judgement.
And I mean it. THAT is your primary concern.
"Hold on a minute" you're thinking.
"If I'm startled from my sleep in the middle of the night to someone breaking into my house I need to win that fight short and quick.".
Of which I would concur with you. However, you still need to confirm that what you believe to be happening is in fact happening. Don't misinterpret what I am saying, you can in most instances come to the conclussion that you need to apply the lethal use of force very very quickly. In some cases a mere blink of an eye.
However, time and time again we allow preconceived scenarios other people have laid out for us to become our future predictors. There is a distinct difference between sitting at a red light and seeing pistol pressed against the driver's side window and, sitting in an outdoor cafe somewhere and hearing gun fire, followed by a guy with a handgun running in your direction.
Gun does not always equal threat.
Clearly in the millisecond it takes to recognize a gun at the car window you understand what is happening and can justifiable respond in unkind fashion.
Judgement, in other words, of that situation was rendered most ricky-tick. But, if we revisit our cafe scene where we see a lone gunman running in our direction the "primary" concern here would be to either get behind something that conceals or covers (preferably both) in order to buy more time to make a judgement call, while drawing our handgun to make ready for a fight.
Because what if, in your quick-to-judge-and-shoot mindset you see the man, see the gun, draw your own handgun, aim, fire and kill, a man who in all reality was up until a few minutes ago doing exactly the same thing as you were. And instead of being a "lone gunman" was instead running point with his wife and children in single file tow behind him.
As you turn pasty and palms sweaty at the thought of killing a fellow conceal carrier/good guy we can also examine the situation from the polar opposite angle. Where we see everything going on as mentioned before, sitting in a cafe, hearing shots, seeing a man run towards you and suddenly begins firing random shots, or aims his gun at you (remember that part about cover and concealment). It does not take very long to determine who the bad-guy-in-question is here.
Freeze here a moment. Is now your secondary concern sufficient ammo penetration?
Your secondary concern, assuming you've already drawn your handgun may be one of several things. If the distance is closing very quickly where we judge it in feet over yards then your secondary concern may in all likelihood be aiming center mass.
It may also be seeking cover for any loved ones who are with you before ultimately deciding to engage in a shoot out. Because let's be precise about this. That is exactly what you are doing. Shooting it out.
The target range it ain't.
Even then, sufficient penetration of ammunition fired into an aggressor is not even tertiary in the level of importance. Knowing what is beyond your target is.
"In my world a person wounded by a shoot through round is considered collateral damage." cries the internet Tier one operator.
It is certainly cavalier to think you would not be effected on many levels if your shot went through the bad-guy-in-question and spined a six year old boy or nicked the liver of a mom out for a day of shopping with her daughters only to bleed out in front of them from the bullet you fired.
"are you saying I have to wait for a clear shot while this tango has a target rich environment?"
Do not misread or misinterpret what I am saying. If you encounter a bad guy who is bent on destroying the life that you or others live, you shoot to stop the threat, but you shoot to stop the threat accurately, sufficiently and responsibly. And that is from every shot fired whether it is the first or the fifteenth.
If left with the choice between accuracy and penetration I will choose accuracy every time.
Can you have both?
Certainly. As a matter of fact we live in the golden age of ammunition. Great accuracy that performs with superb results. But it bears mentioning that if you do not apply repetitive training and "what if" role playing in your head (which aids in those sense-of-immediacy-judgement-calls), to your life then what you may find is that you have poorly delivered shot placement with superb results on an unintended human being.
Make no mistake.
You want the best ammunition available, that will deliver destructive results WITH sufficient penetration. However it is not, amongst your gun carrying days the "primary concern". The fight is going to be what it is going to be, not what you want it to be.
Our rights to bear arms does not come with a permission to maim. When I carry a firearm amongst the populace, which is daily and for hours and hours at a time I take into consideration that I want all of the good guys to go home after any fracas that may find me involved in it. I would hope you would as well.
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Gear Review: The Pathfinder School Canteen Cooking Set
A Client once told me that I have a maddening level of patience. Which I don't necessarily think is true but, you spend enough time in the back of a SUV running surveillance or waiting for hours on end standing behind a Client at a blackjack table in Vegas you learn the fine art of being.
Back in late Spring, the folks over at Dave Canterbury's Pathfinder Store sent me one of their complete Canteen Cooking sets, asking to give it a test and see what I thought. I am relatively certain it was a bit maddening for them in this sense of immediacy world we live in. Because, most gear reviews I've seen are largely based on the unboxing of a new piece of gear and saying "I'll probably use it for .....". I like being able to write that I've you know...used it.
Ironically enough last October when I was in the desert of the U.S./Mexican border running a surveillance operation I thought alot about water. And I was kind of surprised no one had really brought out a steel wide mouthed canteen in the last few years (if they have I didn't know it) given the popularity of steel bottles out. One of the reasons I've always liked a canteen over a water bottle is that a portion of it is flattened and curved to ride on a hip, or in a leg of cargo pant. It doesn't sound like much but if you've ever packed a water bottle around in the field after a while it kind of digs into you. Atleast it does me, when not carried inside a bag.
Funny enough when the canteen kit showed up I was packing for an out of state operation and would be flying out the next morning. I learned the hard way about not packing my own water on a flights and it only took one time. I sat on the tarmac for four hours in Central America dying of thirst and just wanting to be home. Yeah I know you can't cross the TSA checkpoints with water but since I usually hit the airport cafe to fill up my thermos, most of the time the girl behind the counter will fill my water bottle as well (for the sake of clarity I didn't pack the stove portion of the kit on that trip).
Generally speaking, my EDC bag is a filson field bag which does not take long to fill up with assorted gear, especially when traveling. So when I departed the next morning I slid the canteen into the back envelope pocket of the bag (the part that rides against my hip) and it was indeed far more comfortable than a completely rounded water bottle that is often toted there.
A week after my return, the Wife, Daughter, Dog and some friends loaded up the family SUVs and made out for the Rockies. I had planned on giving the stove a thorough run through in the mountains. Unfortunately they had this slight wild fire across the state of Colorado (you may have heard about it), so for our region of the state no fires were permitted.
Interestingly enough I found an unconventional use for the stove at one point when the Wife bought some fruit and needing to wash it I simply inverted it and used it as a colander.
At one point when we went for a hike and packed the Dog's pack (yes she has her own pack) I put the canteen kit to use for her (yes I have other water bottles). Again the flat side of the canteen was able to ride comfortable against her side, and when there was no creek for her to drink out of the stainless cup was immediately available as a water bowl on the go.
Now for the record, I see you over there, arms crossed thinking "$60 bucks for the dog to use it as a watering bowl ?". You and I both know it's not it's sole purpose but, rather one of many uses.
When I did get a chance to use the stove... you know as a stove it did work very well. Good draft drawn through it, heated soups and boiled water readily in both the canteen and the companion cup. It works best with small twigs from toothpick to big toe size and with seasoned hard wood especially. You can use fuel tabs as well but I found natural material to work better, which there is something to be said for that. Last year's foray on the border had me packing my Jetboil stove that goes on the majority of jobs. Since I flew out I had to leave the fuel canister(s) at home and purchase that part of the kit when I got to my destination. Which I did. Except that I didn't. The canister's I picked up at a local (and about ready to close) sporting goods store looked like they would work, the gal said they would work and it turned out they were not threaded and in short did not work for the Jetboil. Of course this wasn't realized until two days and far more removed from the citizenry. Hence having a secondary stove that took up essentially no additional space than that of my canteen would have been nice.
And while on the subject of the kit's stove it bears mentioning that while no doubt the intentional selling point is to be seen as a single stove/cooking unit I found it the most useful as a companion stove to my jet boil essentially giving me two compact burners for cooking multiple parts to an outdoor meal. When a nice collection of coals are burning inside the stainless steel stove it works very well in maintaining a cup of coffee hot in the wide mouthed steel companion cup, which by it's very nature is going to cool off relatively quick otherwise.
If you were to really be in a pinch and need the stove for solitary and purposeful use, a few branches snapped down to the length of your forearm are going to go a long way in feeding the fire. If you were for one reason or another keeping a low profile the little stove helps keep your flame's signature to a minimum.
Since it arrived in the warm season I do have one idea I'm wanting to try out, and that is, from a bush-crafting angle, of using it as a wooden stove to warm myself around. As a kid I read an Indian trick where in the bitterness of winter and while on the hunt, the Cherokee would dig a small hole in the ground, build a fire in it and the wrap themselves in their robes around it. IF done carefully I think this could work well and in a survival situation could prevent hypothermia while preventing direct exposure to flames.
We'll see.
From a general use/ everyday water carrier it of course works quite well. I did make one mental note that certainly was advantageous. On one out of town surveillance job were I was using a rental car, as opposed to home where I have my Duluth bag riding shotgun, the canteen was in the seat next to me and didn't do want water bottles normally do....roll. Specifically off the seat and into the far corner of the passenger's side floor.
Though it probably won't see this kind of singular use by me I could see it being stowed in a bug out bag with a small fire log for fuel purposes.
As far as how much it all holds, the liquid measurement of the canteen is around 42 ounces and the cup (which has measuring gradients inside) holds 25 ounces or 700 ML.
Finally, I get it. Somebody out there is thinking back to the surplus steel kits that already had all of this at a fraction of the price. And nobody is denying it. But most of that gear was also aluminum not stainless steel and between the two I would prefer the later over the former. And to answer that hand raised out there...I tried it and no the old surplus gear doesn't fit with the new kit. In other words if you are thinking you'll buy the canteen then hit your surplus outfitter up for the stove and cup, they won't nestle together.
The couple of criticism I do have is that the inside of the cap gets a weird campfire smoke smell to it, but when I inquired about this to the folks at US Canteen, they were aware of it and it was in the process of being corrected. Frankly I would have like to have also see the lid and the mouth threads on the canteen built around the same specs as the Pathfinder water bottle and Kleen Kanteen. Uniformity has it's place after all. When I asked about this as well I was told that they simply were using a different manufacturer on the canteen and the specs were just different.
While the kit may cost $60 I can tell you if you are even reasonable responsible with your gear you'll pass it down to your kids one day. Whether you are reading this at thirty-nine or nine. When you start seeing some of your gear enter it's third decade (or more), sixty bucks over that amount of time is a bargain.
Is everybody going to rush out and buy one?
But for those who see it's good use potential in their life, or someone else's I think you'll be happy with it.
Hyperlink below
the pathfinderstore canteen cooking set
post script
The following link does illustrate the fact that, despite what some people think, you can still go missing into the wild of the lower 48 and not be found for some time, let alone alive. It makes good sense to have a way to keep your water purified in such a situation because you would want to have to fight a stomach bug on top of everything else.
And sorry it's a CNN link.
California hunter goes missing for 19 days
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Friday, May 17, 2013
I'm still here
Next year somebody remind me that I don't ever dig writing in late winter.
There are a litany of excuses of course.
Work (I never get THAT busy in February....then I did), a Federal case (as an expert witness not a defendant than you very much), then there was a concussion at one point. But, largely the overall power, ability, and desire to write just left.
Then I lost my outline for all of this "securing your six" business, I think it got tossed into the fireplace during a "purge" so-to-speak.
Anyway the drafting process has begun and I'm back on track to get on this again and looking forward to it (run on sentences, over use of commas, elipsisisis and all).
ps to the dude who keeps trying to use the comments section to advertise his Canadian hunting trips. Either set me up on a bear, or a moose (no muskox) hunt and I'll write up the whole thing for you or ...or get your own blog. You may also not want to write in format that rivals Russian soldier speak bad english in cold war movie, dah?
Anyway. Not dead, not retired, and back to the wordsmithing soon.
Scout's Honor
There are a litany of excuses of course.
Work (I never get THAT busy in February....then I did), a Federal case (as an expert witness not a defendant than you very much), then there was a concussion at one point. But, largely the overall power, ability, and desire to write just left.
Then I lost my outline for all of this "securing your six" business, I think it got tossed into the fireplace during a "purge" so-to-speak.
Anyway the drafting process has begun and I'm back on track to get on this again and looking forward to it (run on sentences, over use of commas, elipsisisis and all).
ps to the dude who keeps trying to use the comments section to advertise his Canadian hunting trips. Either set me up on a bear, or a moose (no muskox) hunt and I'll write up the whole thing for you or ...or get your own blog. You may also not want to write in format that rivals Russian soldier speak bad english in cold war movie, dah?
Anyway. Not dead, not retired, and back to the wordsmithing soon.
Scout's Honor
Monday, January 28, 2013
New Series: Securing your Six
If everything goes accordingly at some point this week I'll be launching a new series of articles as previously mentioned, that is essentially a guide to "being your own bodyguard". It is not written in the vein of being FOR people in the Executive Protection game and, therefore not intended to be read as a primer on " learn how to be and then get paid". Though I suspect one could gain insight to be of aid.
Unlike the 'Dark Arts for Good Guys' series that focused on extracting oneself from extraordinary circumstances or the blatant measures of life saving violence against an aggressor; 'Securing your Six' is about everyday application that improves your ability to contend with the world. To the point that in some instances you can alter or atleast attempt to alter a lethal situation without ever firing a shot, not because of some magic verbal judo but because you were smart ahead of time.
I read a tagline once in a gun magazine where the author said ineffect "whether you have to pull your gun and use it or simply have to pull your gun YOUR LIFE HAS CHANGED FOREVER!". While it could be true I suppose such idioms can overstate or hyper-inflate a person emotionally that may make them weaker later. I also suspect this comes from a generation of stupid statements that were in the same line up of "a woman likes to see a man cry"....which isn't true and you should stop but, I am not in that business so we'll carry forth with the topics at large.
The one thing that matters in the profession of guarding people for money is that details account for more wins than any caliber of gun ever carried. So that is what the focus is going to be on, with the idea of YOU being a comprehensive security person for your tribe...whatever that looks like.
Here is my parting advice for it, if even necessary, don't compare it to the Dark Arts series as you go through reading it. Rather think of it as if the Dark Arts for Good guys series was a tool it would be a hammer that applies force to do its job. Whereas Securing your Six is more akin to a chisel that removes, sculpts, and refines that which is underneath.
Both are needed and neither can effectively do the job without the other.
Unlike the 'Dark Arts for Good Guys' series that focused on extracting oneself from extraordinary circumstances or the blatant measures of life saving violence against an aggressor; 'Securing your Six' is about everyday application that improves your ability to contend with the world. To the point that in some instances you can alter or atleast attempt to alter a lethal situation without ever firing a shot, not because of some magic verbal judo but because you were smart ahead of time.
I read a tagline once in a gun magazine where the author said ineffect "whether you have to pull your gun and use it or simply have to pull your gun YOUR LIFE HAS CHANGED FOREVER!". While it could be true I suppose such idioms can overstate or hyper-inflate a person emotionally that may make them weaker later. I also suspect this comes from a generation of stupid statements that were in the same line up of "a woman likes to see a man cry"....which isn't true and you should stop but, I am not in that business so we'll carry forth with the topics at large.
The one thing that matters in the profession of guarding people for money is that details account for more wins than any caliber of gun ever carried. So that is what the focus is going to be on, with the idea of YOU being a comprehensive security person for your tribe...whatever that looks like.
Here is my parting advice for it, if even necessary, don't compare it to the Dark Arts series as you go through reading it. Rather think of it as if the Dark Arts for Good guys series was a tool it would be a hammer that applies force to do its job. Whereas Securing your Six is more akin to a chisel that removes, sculpts, and refines that which is underneath.
Both are needed and neither can effectively do the job without the other.
Saturday, January 19, 2013
Of Wolves, Children, and Dogs
Imagine for a moment that wolves were a pervasive problem across the country.
We were left with contending at any given moment a solitary wolf slipping into the school yard, play ground, or birthday party and attacking children. The public out cry began to build and the government in all of it's infinite wisdom decided it should step in.
After much conferring with people who knew nothing about wolves and had never seen a wolf decided that the only real answer was to not risk another child's life. From the Senate to the White House a solution was provided.
Every domestic dog that weighed over 25lbs was to be rounded up and slaughtered.
Dog owners and lovers became enraged "our dogs are not wolves", yet the Government responded "we have talked with experts and have concluded that since dogs are all descendents from the wolf we can not afford, for the sake of the children, to risk what we see as ticking time bombs in our homes. We feel that every dog lover can be reasonable and accept that dogs 25lb and under can keep the average dog lover happy".
The public pointed back "but what are you going to do about the wolves coming out from the woods and attacking our children?"
Of course such a question could not be effectively answered because wolves are wild and one does not know where they all live.
Dogs on the other hand live in homes and have rabies tags and there are records where they live.
Such is the philosophy of gun control.
We were left with contending at any given moment a solitary wolf slipping into the school yard, play ground, or birthday party and attacking children. The public out cry began to build and the government in all of it's infinite wisdom decided it should step in.
After much conferring with people who knew nothing about wolves and had never seen a wolf decided that the only real answer was to not risk another child's life. From the Senate to the White House a solution was provided.
Every domestic dog that weighed over 25lbs was to be rounded up and slaughtered.
Dog owners and lovers became enraged "our dogs are not wolves", yet the Government responded "we have talked with experts and have concluded that since dogs are all descendents from the wolf we can not afford, for the sake of the children, to risk what we see as ticking time bombs in our homes. We feel that every dog lover can be reasonable and accept that dogs 25lb and under can keep the average dog lover happy".
The public pointed back "but what are you going to do about the wolves coming out from the woods and attacking our children?"
Of course such a question could not be effectively answered because wolves are wild and one does not know where they all live.
Dogs on the other hand live in homes and have rabies tags and there are records where they live.
Such is the philosophy of gun control.
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
How we are going to be safer.
Gun Control is often very hard for us to understand because we are not members of the intellectual elite. Therefore I decided to cut through the confusion of "big words" and use this picture to illustrate the forth coming peaceful utopia America will be experiencing in the near future.
![]() | |
Gun Control Explained Straight Forward in a Crooked World |
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
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Our conversation had started with me asking “ So who shot you in the throat? ”, a basic conclusion on my part, b ecause on one sid...